The prestigious UNESCO – Equatorial Guinea international award was presented to the chairman of the Lithuanian Society of Chemists

On March 10, 2023, the chairperson of the Lithuanian Society of Chemists, Professor Almira Ramanavičienė, was awarded the prestigious UNESCO – Equatorial Guinea International Award for her contribution in the field of life sciences. This is the first time that a scientist from Lithuania (and the Baltic countries) has been recognized with this award. Prof. Dr. The award is for internationally significant work in the development and research of immune sensors. The award was presented by the President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and UNESCO Deputy Director General Xing Qu.

Prof. Dr. Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov (Head of Genomics and Bioinformatics Center, Uzbekistan), Prof. Dr. Mosaad Attia Abdel-Wahhab (Professor of the National Research Center, Egypt) and Prof. Dr. Yigong Shi (Founder and President of Westlake University, China) were awarded for significant achievements in the field of life sciences, improving the quality of people’s lives in 2023

in 2019 this award was given to Nobel laureate Professor Youyou Tu (China) for her research on parasitic diseases. in 2022 this award is dedicated to Professor Chad Mirkin (USA) for the development and research of spherical nucleic acids and nanostructures that have led to major advances in disease detection and the identification of new genetic markers. Every year, the award is given to scientists of significant merit in the field of life sciences, whose work creates a significant change on a global scale.

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2023 m. už reikšmingus pasiekimus gyvybės mokslų srityje, gerinant žmonių gyvenimo kokybę, taip pat buvo apdovanoti Prof. Dr. Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov (Genomikos ir bioinformatikos centro vadovas, Uzbekistanas), Prof. Dr. Mosaad Attia Abdel-Wahhab (Nacionalinio tyrimų centro profesorius, Egiptas) ir Prof. Dr. Yigong Shi (Westlake universiteto įkūrėjas ir prezidentas, Kinija).

2019 m. šiuo apdovanojimu buvo įvertinta Nobelio premijos laureatė, profesorė Youyou Tu (Kinija) už parazitinių ligų tyrimus. 2022 m. šis apdovanojimas skirtas profesoriui Chad Mirkin (JAV) už sferinių nukleorūgščių ir nanostruktūrų kūrimą ir tyrimą, kas lėmė didžiulę pažangą nustatant ligas ir identifikuojant naujus genetinius žymenis. Kiekvienais metais apdovanojami reikšmingai gyvybės mokslų srityje nusipelnę mokslininkai, kurių darbai kuria svarų pokytį globaliu mastu.

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