History of chemistry group

About us

The thematic group on the History of chemistry aims to bring together scientists, students, and business representatives interested in this field. The main goal of the group is to publicize the evolution of Lithuanian chemistry ideas and the memory of personalities, organize and participate in conferences and events. The group initiated the organization of the International Conference on the History of Chemistry (13ICHC) in Vilnius, 2023. The book of abstracts of the conference is the first publication of the Lithuanian Chemical Society.

Members of the group – Birutė Railienė and Rimantas Vaitkus represent the Lithuanian Chemical Society in the EuChemS on the Working Party on History of Chemistry.

Become a member of a thematic group

To become a member of the thematic group, you must become a member of the Lithuanian Chemical Society (you can find a description of how to become a member in the “Members” section) and then inform the members of the group about your intention to be a member of this thematic group.


dr. Birutė Railienė

The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Head of department)